Should I take Creatine on Paleo?

The Short Answer is...

Creatine is made in the body naturally, but the supplement is manufactured with many chemicals and treatments. Many would hear this and cross this supplement off their all-natural diet but in reality, the supplement is chemically identical to what we find in nature.


With this being said it is entirely up to the individual on Paleo whether it fits with their all-natural nutrition plan.

Paleo Lifestyle and Fitness Goals

Varied Goals, Unique Approaches


The Paleo diet embodies a versatile approach to fitness, accommodating diverse goals within its nutritional framework. From muscle building to weight management and holistic health enhancement, Paleo caters to individual preferences and health aspirations.


Adapting Paleo for Different Objectives

1. Muscle Building Pursuits

For enthusiasts seeking muscle gains within the Paleo lifestyle, protein-rich sources form the cornerstone. Lean meats, fish, nuts, and seeds offer ample protein for muscle development. The emphasis on natural, unprocessed foods aligns with Paleo’s principles, promoting muscle growth while maintaining dietary integrity.

2. Weight Management and Health Goals

Paleo’s fundamental focus on whole, unprocessed foods creates an environment conducive to weight loss and improved health. By excluding processed items, refined sugars, and emphasizing nutrient-dense foods like vegetables, fruits, and lean proteins, adherents often experience improved body composition, increased energy levels, and better overall health



3. Aesthetics and Wellness

Paleo’s holistic approach supports various wellness objectives beyond physical appearance. By adhering to this diet, individuals not only achieve desired aesthetic changes but also experience mental clarity, enhanced energy levels, and overall well-being, which are fundamental aspects of the Paleo lifestyle.

Understanding Creatine in the Context of Paleo

Creatine’s Natural Background


Creatine is a naturally occurring compound synthesized in the liver, kidneys, and muscles. Its primary role involves providing energy for muscle contractions during high-intensity activities, making it an integral part of the body’s energy system.


Benefits for Muscle Growth and Recovery


Research has consistently shown the efficacy of creatine supplementation in enhancing muscle growth, strength, and recovery. Athletes and fitness enthusiasts, regardless of dietary preferences, have experienced significant benefits from creatine, attributing its effectiveness to improved ATP production, leading to enhanced exercise performance and muscle recovery.

Creatine and Paleo: Exploring Compatibility

Creatine Monohydrate vs. Natural Forms

While creatine monohydrate is synthesized, resembling the naturally occurring compound in the body, some Paleo practitioners prefer sourcing nutrients from natural food sources whenever possible. However, creatine’s synthetic nature doesn’t necessarily disqualify it from consideration within the Paleo framework.


Suitability Within Paleo

Though creatine supplements might not strictly align with the purest interpretations of Paleo due to being processed supplements, many in the Paleo community recognize and consider its potential benefits for muscle development, albeit with discretion.


Potential Benefits for Paleo Practitioners…

1. Enhanced Exercise Performance

Creatine’s potential to enhance strength, endurance, and overall exercise performance is of interest to those following the Paleo lifestyle. Improved performance during workouts can be valuable for individuals engaged in various physical activities while adhering to the Paleo diet.

2. Impact on Muscle Development

For individuals aiming for muscle gains within the Paleo diet, creatine’s ability to support muscle growth and recovery might be a significant consideration, despite being a synthetic supplement.



With all this information being stated, now it is time for the final answer. For as an experienced lifter and health nut geek, I have personally seen the same results, if not more than what is described above, I would personally recommend taking creatine to anyone passionate about seeing progress in themselves over the long term. Considering the creatine manufactured by doctors is chemically the same as that which your own body produces, I would also say it is completely fine to take creatine with the Paleo diet, but it is really up to the individual considering the relatively flexible nature of the diet. 

“How Is Creatine Made?” Maximuscle,


Nippard, Jeff, director. How To Use CREATINE To Build Muscle: Loading, Timing & Hair Loss? (Science Explained). YouTube, YouTube, 19 Apr. 2018, Accessed 23 Sept. 2022.


“Paleo Diet: Eat like a Cave Man and Lose Weight?” Mayo Clinic, Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research, 25 Aug. 2020,

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